Custom Missing Charges

MissingChargesMenu.jpgCustom Missing Charges (Compulink Version 11.x)

What is this report?

The standard report only requires a charge to be posted. This allows for a charge in optical to meet the criteria without the services being posted.

This custom version requires one of the following service codes to be posted:

92002 99202 99212
92004 99203 99213
92012 99204 99214
92014 99205 99215

How do you use this report?

You will need to download the report by clicking the "Download this Report" below. As with all files from the internet, be sure to run a virus scan on the report file prior to saving it in your Advantage folder. In order for the report to appear on your menu in Compulink you will need to run the "Crystal Menu Update" under the UTILITY section of your Compulink main menu. The report will appear after you exit and then re-enter the software. For more detailed information please reference the help file. 

Where will I find this report?

Report > Appt > Daily > Custom Missing Charges

Download this Report - Custom Missing Charges


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