You can't control what you don't measure! Destinations can help you find more time in your day and give you the numbers you need to make the best decisions for your practice.
Managing Your Practice by the Numbers – by Kimberly Baldwin
You know Team Destinations Consulting can problem-solve your Compulink workflow issues by creating magical SQL worklis…
Managing the schedule for maximum profitability can be a daunting task. The right reporting and persistence can help you achieve your goals.
Does Your Schedule Support Production Goals?
I might be addicted to problem solving. There is a high in finding a simple way to break down a problem and expose possible solutio…
SNOMED-CT is an acronym for Systematized Nomenclature of Medicine – Clinical Terminology, SNOMED for short. SNOMED is a number that represents a concept. SNOMED is recognized throughout the US and internationally, and it is available at no cost through th…
What is SNOMED and Why is it Important for Stage 2 Meaningful Use?
Early last week I was discussing some modifications to a health history screen with a physician. As we were tal…